- 07795 499608
- nick@nickblatchleycopywriting.co.uk
Who Am I?
My name’s Nick Blatchley, an experienced copywriter and author based in Hertfordshire. Since 2014, I’ve been working my wizardry for businesses locally, nationwide and internationally by providing compelling marketing content.
Marketing covers a range of disciplines, but top-class written content is at its heart. Search engines have become more sophisticated, and it no longer works to stuff your content full of keywords and key phrases.
In fact, if your content comes over that way, you’ll find yourself plummeting down the rankings. What Google and other search engines are looking for today is superior content. And that’s where I can help you.
Whether it’s blogs and social media or books and articles, marketing is all about telling stories — stories about your business, stories about what you’ve done for your customers, and above all stories about how great you can make your reader’s life.
I’m a lifelong storyteller who loves using words and ideas — and it’s all at your disposal. I want to learn about your business and your expertise, and work with you to make it even more successful. Whatever marketing content I produce for you will not only be of the highest quality, but also have your voice and personality all over it.
You don’t have to be the best-kept secret in town.

How I Got Here (by the Scenic Route)
I’ve been writing all my life, since I was four years old, and I still have the stories to prove it. At that age, apparently, I knew words like “parashootist” and “obtikal illooshan” — though fortunately my spelling has improved since then. I’ve had novels, short stories and poetry published (using the name Nyki Blatchley) along with numerous articles about history and literature.
At the same time, I’ve had a varied career, providing me with a broad range of work and life experience. After graduating from Keele University in English and Classics — along with courses such as astronomy and psychology — I spent substantial stints in bookselling, residential care and media monitoring. I also had briefer experience in the engineering, catering and cleaning sectors, and even as an artist’s model.
Nick Blatchley Copywriting
In March 2014, I took the plunge and established Nick Blatchley Copywriting — and it’s been a learning curve. I was fully confident about the writing, but I’ve learnt a lot about running a business, rather than just having a self-employed job. I’m finally getting there, with help in particular from Olivier Carion of the Sales Masters Guild.
The focus initially was on blogs, newsletters, social media and content for websites, and these are still central to my services. Since then, though, I’ve expanded into ventures as varied as helping entrepreneurs write books on their skills to writing property descriptions.
I’m constantly expanding the range of what I offer, including a subscription service to polish what business owners write themselves. I’ve also combined with experts in complementary areas, such as design and photography, to make things easier for you by providing a combined service.
A newer string to my business is to offer training workshops on effective business writing. After starting with live workshops, I’m now concentrating on offering webinars and courses online. I’ve always been passionate about using language effectively, and I love sharing my experience of how to ensure that words have the maximum impact.
2020 and All That
The year 2020 has been a challenge for all of us, but I’m one of the lucky ones. My challenge has been more to do with meeting the extra demand for marketing content.
The lockdown has taught us many things, and perhaps one of the most important is the value of reaching out online to people we can’t meet face to face — whether that’s because of a global pandemic or just because of geography.
Zoom has become my best friend, and this will certainly continue after the lockdown is a distant memory. I look forward to talking to you in the future, whether in person or online.
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